Bring on Spring
February has been a busy month. It went by so fast. I just hope the next two months go by as quickly. I am in my third trimester now, and I'm still feeling good for the most part. I'm getting bigger and a little more uncomfortable, but I do think all the exercise is helping my state of mind, and is helping my body cope with all the changes. The main downside to being in my seventh month is that the end is in sight, and I worry that if I think too much about the birth, time will slow down and the next two months will take forever. I have been trying very hard this time to just go about life, and let the time kind of happen. With Hayden, I was counting the days from early on and it felt like I was pregnant forever.
I had my last day of work about three weeks ago. It feels very strange to have my days open like this. I wake up every morning, and aside from the gym, or driving Hayden to and from preschool on his school days, I have a pretty blank schedule. I still feel busy, but a totally different kind of busy. I'm filling my time doing the things I choose to do, and not that I need to do. It's so different from my old frantic schedule of trying to work and take care of Hayden always simultaneously. Once Violet is here, life will be hectic and I'll be working harder than I probably ever have before. But, for now, I am enjoying being pregnant, taking naps everyday with Hayden, and just being focused on my family.
Yesterday, we went to have a 3D/4D ultrasound. We tried to do one earlier in our doctor's office, but the baby's head was so far down and her face was pressed so closely against the uterus that we couldn't see anything at all. Our family was able to come too and there were eight of us there to see her. It was a great experience. We could tell that she likes to keep her face covered with her hands, that she has the same nose as Hayden, and it looked like she had chubby little cheeks already. The pictures are cool, but the best part was seeing her moving around. You could almost get a sense of her personality. She has become even more real to me.
Here are a few pictures from Hayden's birthday party, of the nursery (still in progress), and baby Violet...