Saturday, July 30, 2005


The Hayden formerly known as "bug," or "little bug" will be known from now on as:

The Notorious B.U.G. (a.k.a. Buggy Smalls)


pure bug beauty

crayon on paper

chalk on driveway


Saturday, July 23, 2005

Being Busy Takes Up All My Time

  • Last Saturday, we took Hayden to see Madagascar. In a theater. His fourth movie in a theater. He was fairly interested. Okay, to be honest, he was all about the popcorn and the Skittles we bought to keep him quiet. It didn't quite work out as planned since he hummed through the whole movie while shoving unhealthy "food" in his mouth.
  • That night, we took him to Julian for some simulated camping. We stayed at Neil's parents' house and set the tent up outside. We had veggie dogs and s'mores and there was a lot of playing with flashlights. Hayden squirms like you wouldn't believe when he sleeps anywhere besides his own bed. The sound of his nylon sleeping bag rubbing endlessly against the nylon tent floor kept us (and the dog) awake the entire night. But, he had a great time and when we got home, we all slept a few hours.
  • Hayden and I went swimming with my friend Darcy and her daughter, Hayden's best friend Ali. Their neighbors have an awesome pool and we had a great time.
  • Neil was off on Thursday, and we all went to the pool at the club house in our neighborhood. It has been like 100 degrees every day this week, so the pool is my first thought every morning.
  • That night, we went to the drive-in and saw Willy Wonka. Hayden fell asleep an hour into the movie, but we still had a good time.
  • Yesterday, I went to work for about an hour, then my Mom and I took Hayden to the beach.
  • This morning is Ali's birthday party.
  • Tomorrow is Neil's day off and then he leaves for a week for work.
  • Friday, Neil comes home, but I am going to Street Scene and he is playing in a charity golf tournament.

Neil and I did plan a short trip next month for our anniversary. We're flying to Vegas and staying for three nights at the Wynn. We're going to try to do a resort vacation during the day, and then the drunken casino thing at night only. We'll see how that works out.


Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Today has been a good day because:

I decided to do the Pilates class at the gym today and surprised myself by being able to do all the advanced positions and moves even though I've never done Pilates before (except for a few DVDs at home right after Hayden was born). I did weights and abs before the class, and ran and did the Stairmaster after, and it felt great to mix up my usual routine.

Later in the morning, Hayden and I went to the pool for a couple hours. The almost-full-term-pregnant-lady with the perfect bikini body / huge tummy was there and she is so beautiful pregnant it almost makes me want to go ahead and try for another baby. Almost.

Hayden actually took a nap today so I was able to get a few uninterrupted hours of work done.

Today has not been the greatest day because:

When we got home from the gym, there was a message from my boss. When I called him back, he was ever-so-condescending and basically requested the impossible.

Hayden and I have to be out of the house by 6:30 tomorrow morning because my boss is going on vacation and wants to meet with me since he will be gone by Friday, our usual meeting day. I have to drop Hayden off at my Mom's office so she can watch him for me for an hour.

Neil just called to say he would be working late. Again. I reminded him that he worked 13 hours yesterday, and had already warned me he would be working like a 16 hour day tomorrow. When I pointed this out, he agreed it was a bit ridiculous and promised to be reasonable and not to stay too late.

I have very mixed feelings about another pregnancy. For one thing, I can't make any sudden decisions or act upon impulse because, well, that is just not compatible with my DNA - I am an obsessive planner. But, aside from that, I am on medicine for my skin (which is horrible at the moment too), and I absolutely can't get pregnant while taking it. That being said, I haven't had my period in like six or seven weeks. I keep getting worried that when we decide to try, I won't be able to get pregnant. That may be why I just keep wanting to wait. Just so I don't have to deal with it. I'd also like to have my skin clear up, which, according to my doctor, could take another damn six weeks. And then I probably won't want to stop taking the medicine if it's working and get huge and pregnant and have bad skin. Although, being pregnant would probably regulate the hormones freaking my skin out in the first place. Blah blah blah.

I feel so much pressure to have another baby because we established a date and that date has come and gone and we did not stick to our schedule! It kills me. I keep feeling guilty when I tell people we decided to wait a while longer. Like we chickened out - which is entirely accurate. So, I have been thinking about all of this all day. Even when I was staring at the hot pregnant lady at the pool.


Monday, July 04, 2005


Friday, July 01, 2005

Some Pictures

These are out of order. Recap:

We went to the fair.

My sister came home from a month
in Costa Rica.

Hayden is growing up too fast.

The roses are from our rose bush.

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