Kauai was great. Here are the pictures to prove it.
Since we've been home, Hayden started his summer swimming lessons. The first day was a nightmare. He was screaming and whining and basically harassing the instructor the whole time. I probably would have pulled him out, but some Moms who showed up for the next age level classes told me how horrible their kids had been the year before. I felt much better after hearing how their children clawed his eyes out and ran out of the pool area. The second day was a huge improvement, and now he's doing really well.

We also went to Dinseyland a few days after we got home. Thankfully, Hayden seems to be over his fear of rides and had a good time. His fear was our own fault, really, for taking him on the Matterhorn when he was barely two. Here's Hayden, my Mom and Buzz Lightyear...

Some progress has been made on our house too, but there's still a lot more to do.
Here's the kitchen. The granite still needs to be polished and sealed, and the under-cabinet lights aren't in yet.

This is the current state of the fireplace. It still needs to be textured and painted before they can mount the TV and speakers. The hearth still needs to be tiled too.

Here is our new couch and ottoman.

The patio is almost done. The stainless doors beneath the barbecue still need to be installed, and the two ceiling fans aren't in yet.

The master bath counter - still needs to be grouted and the new mirrors and light fixtures need to be installed.