Some Pictures
These are a couple of weeks old from the ballpark;

A "better-late-than-never" attempt to document and express the wonder of the very beginning of this family we've created.
Haley is recovering. The vets are all amazed she is alive. We don't know what caused her to become so sick, and we probably won't ever know (unless it happens again - please don't let it happen again). She spent some time in the most state of the art veterinary hospital I have ever seen. She was treated by board certified specialists. She had ultrasounds and X-Rays and she is taking Prilosec and a bunch of other drugs. She is also eating only chicken and rice, and the cheese we have to wrap her medications in. The smell of chicken is not a normal occurrence in this vegetarian household and it makes us all want to puke - but she is the happiest partially shaved dog you've ever seen. She has a naked belly and little stripes above each paw where all the IVs were. I swear she is savoring life. She is sniffing with such gusto, I truly believe she is happy to be alive after a second near death experience.
When I get stressed out, I clean and throw things away. I have been under way too much pressure for far too long, and now that Neil is out of school, things should be settling down. Instead, I am working ten hour days with an unbelievable sick feeling in my stomach that may be related to the tremendous work stress, or the guilt caused by forcing Hayden to live with a mother who is constantly on the phone or on the laptop, even when we're supposed to be playing with Play-Doh. I just want to throw up and be done with it, and throw my hands up and be done with this "part time work from home" job which is more accurately a "work a thousand times harder than you did when you were a salaried employee but without the benefits" job.
It's Like Prom for Grown Ups....
Hooray Coachella!!!!