Sunday, August 27, 2006
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Here are pictures of Hayden and Violet at about the same age in the same baby bathtub.

Violet has way more hair and a little different skin tone. It's hard to tell, but it looks like Hayden's eyes were still really dark blue at that age. So, Violet's will probably get light like Hayden's soon.
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Since I am now the parent of two children, there are twice as many things to worry about. First, Hayden. We are currently trying to figure out what kind of school setting will be best for him. His current preschool isn't a good fit. Looking back, we should have realized that they just didn't know how to deal with him from the start. His main teacher just wanted him to go with the flow and not speak up when he was bored. Another teacher in the class was much better about giving Hayden things to challenge him or just letting him read a book or do math, but she was not in charge of the class, so more often than not, Hayden had to sit with the other kids who were working on recognizing the letters. He wouldn't sit still and they saw that as a behavior problem. It's because he has been reading since he was two and a half. He knows the damn letters already. Teach him the Greek alphabet and he'll sit still!
We met with a specialist who deals with gifted kids last week and it was a huge relief to speak to someone who understood what we were dealing with. She gave us lots of hope about finding a combination of schooling and outside activities that would best serve Hayden. One idea she mentioned was homeschool. Before our meeting with her, the very thought of homeschooling freaked me out. The word made me picture homemade clothes and dirt roads and pet llamas. But, just by coincidence, a few days before our meeting, I printed out some sample homeschool work from a gifted homeschooling curriculum company. Hayden breezed through the material that was for 6-8 year olds. He wanted to do more, and I really loved the one on one time and to see how much he really loves to learn when it the subjects are the right level for him. I got a few more lessons and he couldn't get enough. So, I'm starting to think that it may be a possibility - for a while - if we don't find a school setting right away. We need to get Hayden assessed and then we can go from there. He has his last two days at that preschool this week, and hopefully we can come up with a good schedule for him soon.
Now, on to Violet. We took the motorhome to the beach for the weekend and very early in the morning, (like 7:00 am) we went for a long walk. I had her in the Baby Bjorn and she fell asleep with her head turned and her cheek against my chest. The whole rest of the day, we were extremely careful about keeping her out of the sun. But, at the end of the day, the left side of her face and the bridge of her nose was bright pink. I just can't believe she could have gotten burned that early in the morning on an overcast day. It doesn't seem to be bothering her at all, but every time I look at her, it's like a neon sign blinking "Worst Mother Ever" over and over.
So, I am kind of feeling like I failed them both. But, those are mistakes I won't make again. I will remember that Hayden is smarter than I will ever be and that babies should wear hats at the beach.