
A "better-late-than-never" attempt to document and express the wonder of the very beginning of this family we've created.
Over the weekend, we went to a birthday party in Julian for a girl Neil and I went to school with. Other than a couple of close friends, we rarely see anyone from highschool. It was great to see so many people after so long. It's a strange experience to see these people transformed, yet unchanged. Some of them look different, some are married, some have kids...all are adults, but their actual personalities are exactly the same. I think I finally realized that people are always the same, simply softened by age, throughout their lives.
Every October, I say fall is my favorite season. In December, I say it's Christmas and winter that I love. Every June, I know summer is the best time of year. And, being that it's March, I have to say I absolutely love spring. Maybe I just love moving into a new time of year and all the things that go along with it. In Spring, it's all about windows open all day and night, barbecuing in the backyard, wearing shorts and flip flops, being happy just to be outside, the smell of grass, and baseball. This really is my favorite time of year...until June anyway...
I cut off my long hair and have discovered a whole new world - a world where you can get out of bed and your hair doesn't require two hours of neck-straining blow drying to look presentable! Imagine how much more I'll be able to accomplish in a day!
Just when I thought I couldn't take it any longer, Hayden is back to his usual self. Well, yesterday and today at least. On the way to his 2-year check-up yesterday, we passed a horse in a pasture. I told him the horse was eating grass and said that horses and cows eat grass. He asked, "Horses eat rocks?" I told him no, and then he said "Hayden eats rocks." I told him people don't eat rocks and that rocks would hurt his mouth. So, after a few seconds of saying "," he said, "Little rocks don't hurt mouths. Grapes and little rocks.....Mmmmmmmmm."
Overnight, my child has transformed from a human toddler into a howler monkey. I don't know how I am going to make it through a day of shopping. Children's Place, Target, Vons...Consider yourselves warned.
Randomly Organized Post