I can't stand the guilt I am feeling right now. At this moment, I feel the worst kind of guilt - parent guilt.
Hayden does this thing where he runs full speed into you. We were playing in the kitchen and he came barreling towards me. I don't know why, but I moved to one side. I guess I thought he would run past me. Instead, he fell face first on to the tile floor. I scooped him up, trembling, but not yet screaming, and saw blood coming from his mouth and nose. I can't even describe the fear. Then he was really screaming - the real kind of screaming. Then I was shaking, afraid he had knocked his teeth out, or worse. Blood and more blood and he wouldn't let me put ice on it. His lip was swelling up as I looked at it. Finally, I called Neil in a panic, planning on taking him to the Emergency Room. Neil said they wouldn't do anything about a fat lip and bloody nose. He calmed down after about twenty minutes. Now he's fine, but that giant puffy lip is my fault. His nose is swollen and black and blue across the bridge. And I feel like the worst mother in the fucking world. (Mom, if you're reading this, sorry about the "f-word").
Aside from the tile incident this morning, the last few days have been a whirlwind of insane preparations. Shopping, tree, lights, papers to be written, work to be done, cards to be addressed, on and on and on.
Our tree is up and if I had a minute to think about it, I'm sure I'd say I feel Christmas-y. Hayden doesn't quite get it, but he does understand there is now a tree in our house, and the ornaments are to stay on the tree (kind of). We tell him Santa is coming and he looks out the window for a car. Seeing him hanging an ornament on the tree the other night was truly a highlight of my life. Tears and all. It's like seeing a vision you've had in your head forever magically materialize - and in the cases of babies and marriage - my experience has been that the reality is even better than the imagined. How often does that happen in life?
Here are a few pictures from the tree decorating. My digital doesn't do well in dim rooms, so we all have rat eyes...