
A "better-late-than-never" attempt to document and express the wonder of the very beginning of this family we've created.
I took Hayden to the dentist for his first regular visit today. I can't believe I'm at the point in life where you do things like take a kid to the dentist. Ever since he was born, life has been a series of milestones, and I guess for me, the reality of being a parent has manifested itself in things like:
the only girl in the house
I don't think it's possible to really feel the enormity of being a mother until you realize that your child knows you exclusively as "Mom." Hayden is going to be three in February, and to him, I am and always have been the person trying to teach people to use the potty, persuading others to eat food they don't want, announcing bed times, and hauling people away from the park. I'm sure he assumes I've always used phrases like "Chew up those grapes before you do another somersault" and "We don't wash our hands in the toilet."