The New Me
The new me still has mild panic attacks when cars approach from the left or right.
The new me does not underestimate the speed and fury of wildfire.
The new me watches four television shows regularly; 24, Carnivale, Survivor (thanks to Nicole for getting me hooked on all three), and Will and Grace (sometimes it's still funny).
The new me loves Chuck Palahniuk (thanks Julia!).
The new me likes putting links in blog entries.
The new me runs for fun and enjoys exercise (me and all the other moms starved for quiet, alone time). How the hell did that happen?
The new me doesn't get to see my friends as often as I'd like.
The new me is a bit more patient than the old me was.
The new me has a heart arrythmia and has to get it checked out on Monday.
The new me loves these boots

and the matching handbag

Can you imagine how perfect these would go with a mod black miniskirt and black mohair sweater??
But a grand for some shoes and a purse seems ridiculous - even to me.
The truth is the new me won't buy the above items because I can't afford them and not because I find it ridiculous. The old me couldn't afford them either.
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