Tuesday, October 14, 2003


The remodel is officially done! I have been waiting five months to say that!
Here are some pictures:

Living Room (only major change is the carpet)
living room.jpg

Another view of the living room, looking into the dining room:

In the kitchen, it's all new ceramic tile floors, new counters, we took out the old fluorescent light fixture and replaced with can lights:

Here's the entry:

Our bedroom:
master bedroom0001.jpg
master bedroom0002.jpg
(damn - I just noticed the picture on the wall is crooked and you can see my dog's butt in the doorway of the second picture!)

The glorious wall of shoes and purses:
wall of shoes.jpg

And the shower-which I finally got to use yesterday!!!

Hooray!! Now I feel like I need to buy all new furniture and window coverings. Will the madness ever stop!? Here's a terrible picture of Hayden in his room:

hayden's room.jpg

He was just waking up from a nap (as indicated by the crazy hair) and was wondering what in the hell I was doing! I didn't take pictures of the other two bathrooms or the guest room, but they all have new tile and carpet too.

In other news, my very best pregnant friends are having a girl. So we can expect to meet Tarin Elizabeth sometime around the end of February!



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