Observations and Thoughts After a LONG Day
A lot of people are out and about at 5:00 in the morning. I can't believe I used to be one of them.
Getting an MRI is not an enjoyable experience, especially when you have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am.
Vacuuming my new carpet is more strenuous than my morning workout.
Does anyone have Verizon cell service? Does it suck? What phone should I get? Neil wants this one:

for six hundred bucks??? insane.
Neil's dad is way too skinny and it is freaking me out.
All I want to do is sleep and there's just not enough time.
I am more excited to buy Hayden's fall clothes than mine this year. We're off to a late start though. It was like ninety degrees here today, so it's not like we'd actually be able to wear any of it yet anyway. My head is dancing with thoughts of tiny suede pants, mini cable sweaters, and little denim jackets to go with the crisp air, falling leaves, and that apple-y/cinnamon-y smell that should be here by now. I'm getting started this weekend. With or without crisp air.
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