Tuesday, October 21, 2003

The Weirdest Thing

The strangest thing just happened to me. I was at the gym working out. The gym I go to was a school once upon a time and so the main gym area is three or four classrooms opened up to create one big room. There are sets of double doors that lead outside on each wall. All of these doors were closed except one set at the far end of the gym, directly across from where I was working out. It was open to let in some fresh air, but you can't really enter or exit through it. A young man (maybe 18 or 19) suddenly came walking in those doors. He stopped in front of me for a second and it freaked me out. He was about six feet tall with a shaved head and was wearing a thick sweatshirt - like a Hurley one or something. I thought it was weird, but then I felt bad because I had made a snap judgment about this guy, and he probably just worked at the gym and was running late. I went back to working out. Then, I notice a cop outside the gym with his gun drawn. I didn't know what to do. I saw him try to open the doors to get in the gym from where he was, but those were all locked. I had no idea what to do. The one man that was in the gym this morning noticed what was going on too, and went and opened the doors to where the cop was looking. He told the cop the guy had come through, and the cop burst in and started doing that gun-out-looking-around-corners thing. I had visions of being taken hostage, I swear. Then, the man saw the guy across the street, running into someone's back yard. So, the cop took off after him. I tried to see what was going on, but I saw the cop jump a fence, and that was it. I finished my workout, but when I left an hour later, they still hadn't found the guy. There are cops all over the place and I'm glad I don't live right next to the gym. I can't stop wondering why the guy stopped in front of me (what was he going to do?) and why were the cops after him in the first place (what had he already done?)? I wonder if I'll ever know.



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