It's a...........
We are so excited. The ultrasound went very well. She was moving around a lot, and everything looked great. The technician started off by taking a quick look at the whole baby, then a more detailed look, starting with the brain, then the heart, etc. When she was looking at the abdomen and kidneys, I was just staring between the legs. I didn't see anything, so I looked even harder. Then, she moved down a little lower. They can identify a baby girl by the three lines that are visible between the legs on the ultrasound. As soon as she mentioned the number three, I yelled "I know what that means!!!" After she confirmed it, Hayden said "No, no - it is supposed to be a brother." He was disappointed for about ten minutes, but now he is over it and excited.
We are going to name her Violet. At the end of the ultrasound, when the technician was ready to get some pictures for us, the baby was lying on her tummy, so we didn't get any great shots. But, here she is...

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