These are some of the words and phrases Neil and I are trying desperately not to make permanent parts of our vocabulary despite how much we love them.
Hayden calls boobs "hutes" and butts "hupes." I have no idea where these words came from. It is a daily battle not to interject these terms into every conversation.
Hayden pronounces zero "zee-yay-o."
We explained he was to walk away if a dog ever growls at him. We did not, however, know how to answer when he asked what to do if a dog burps at him.
Every time we know he has a dirty diaper, he insists on telling us it's gas. Now, he elaborates and tells us he has gas, just like a car.
He pronounces Ramona "Marona."
Whenever he sees a Reindeer (in Christmas books, those Deer crossing road signs), he says "Look, a goat." I can't help but imagine Santa's sleigh being pulled by a bunch of bleating goats.
Fishies are Swishies.
Wheat Thins are Wheat Ones.
He named his bear from the Build-A-Bear Workshop place "Brown."
Mystery words: We still haven't figured out what "Qua" and "Ba-Cade" mean.
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