Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Today was one of the best days Hayden and I have ever had. And we have had lots and lots of good days. It was only the first day, but already I know I made the right decision signing him up for the mom and tot preschool. The program is so well run, and the teacher seems very good at determining a child's level of ability and adjusting the tasks to suit each kid. Hayden loves her. The class is organized into blocks of time for different learning activities, then circle time (which Hayden actually sat through), then a snack, twenty minute recess at the park right outside, then an art project, and a final circle time with a learning activity. All the activities center around a theme for the day. Today, we were learning left and right. Hayden already knows left and right, but it was good practice for him. They read a story about mittens, then made mittens by gluing yarn onto construction paper. Finally, they did tasks using their right hands only.

He knows a lot of the things that were covered today, but since most of the kids are older than him, I think he'll still be challenged and learn a lot. Most of the kids are three and four, and only two kids are younger than Hayden.

We had a great time - and I have glue all over my jeans from his art project!!



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