Tuesday, August 09, 2005

After watching Six Feet Under last night, I had a dream about my less-than-ideal recovery from some sort of accident or illness. I was first explaining the aftermath to my next door neighbors while my friend sat in my car, waiting to go to Pilates class. She was getting impatient waiting, and I finally got in the car and apologized as we started driving away. I broke down and told her it was just hard to quickly tell someone that "they" had to take your eyes. Somehow, I was still driving a car, but I had empty eye sockets behind my sunglasses. She was shocked and felt bad for being bitchy, and kept trying to get a peek behind my glasses.

It was a creepy dream and I have been thinking about it all morning. In the same dream, I was late everywhere. Late to Pilates, late meeting Neil to pick out a new cell phone, late to run back home and get Hayden a different outfit to wear to a baseball game. Oh, and we had also replaced our dog Haley with a large black poodle, only to find, with regret, that dog didn't come when we called it either.



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