Today I saw two men who looked so far from real that I can't seem to get it out of my head. I was driving through the burned out hills, going to the grocery store, and I slowed as I approached a "Road Work Ahead" sign. A crew was doing some work off on a bank to the right of the road and two men stood in the road way controlling traffic. As I moved through the orange cones, I passed the man holding the "Slow" sign in my lane. I couldn't believe how much he looked like Hitler. He was short and Hispanic, with a small square moustache right above his lip. He was as small as a ten year old child. The second guy working the oncoming traffic's lane turned toward me as I passed him. He was taller, but so emaciated, it hurt to look at him. It was startling, really, to see such a wisp of a man. They were both so out of the ordinary that I really looked at each of them, but when they looked back at me, it was like they were pictures from a history book with their flat, dark eyes. They both had that particular expressionless that seems tied to a forgotten time and out of place in the present. The Hitler-man even seemed to turn his head and rotate his sign in that jerky, old-fashioned way that marks old film footage of the actual Hitler. The thin man seemed to have dropped from the sky right into his orange vest, and wavered in the wind, vulnerable to it. I'm not the type to look for signs, or believe premonitions, but this just felt ominous. About what, I can't say. But, I took an alternate route home.
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