Some weekends feel like weekends
We had a good one. Saturday, we went to the Padres game. We had box seats in the Union Tribune luxury suite --- right behind home plate. It was fantastic. We were there with the three twenty-something sons of the guy who owns Ikea, the owner of Whole Foods Market, and quite a few other very swanky retail people. We had a great time watching the game (even though we lost) drinking good wine with good food. After the game, they had Tony Hawk and some other skateboarders and BMXers on a ramp at the park at the Park. Hayden was totally into the skateboard thing, and this was the second time he had really shown interest in that sort of thing, so we got him a skateboard after we left. He loves it. I make him wear a helmet and I have to hold on to his hands, but he is pretty stable on it. Amazing.
Sunday, we replaced the part of our yard that used to look like this:

and now it looks like this:

Part of our prep for the party. There's still a lot left to do, but we're making good progress. We're mailing invites today, and I ordered all the rental equipment over the weekend.
We're still undecided on the job change for Neil. He's going ahead with the process. The new company loves him and we had some confirmation about the pay. It is in the range we thought, so it really just comes down to whether or not we want to have a life where Neil has to work every other weekend and a lot of hours in general. Once he promoted to the next level, he'd have a schedule very similar to the one he has now, but it would be pretty likely that promotion would require relocation, and we have already struggled with that whole situation. I wish I knew the right thing to do. I don't know why decisions like these are so hard for us. I guess we just really fear the unknown. Change is terrifying when things aren't that bad. We'll be faced with the actual decision in a couple of weeks. I am just going to procrastinate until then.
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