I was so looking forward to this weekend. This weekend is the one weekend we aren't completely booked solid until like mid-July. That was before. Unfortunately, our house is now a giant honeycomb and we will spend the weekend waging battle against mother nature. I saw three bees in our bedroom yesterday afternoon. This is very unusual, but it's spring, so I thought there may be a logical explanation. I also saw some bees buzzing around outside, but no obvious swarm or anything. Well, this morning, there were a couple more bees in our bedroom. So, Neil called the exterminators. They came after both Neil and I had left for work, so it was just my Mom here watching Hayden. The exterminators said the fact that our roof is so steep and high, and the fact that the bees are coming in through the beam at the apex of the roof, meant this would have to be a two-person operation that involved some dangling over the edge of the roofline, and would therefore cost us $350 just for them to get in position to spray the bees. We haven't agreed to this extortion yet, and we thought we may have some other options still undiscovered. So, when I got home and heard all of this news, I took a peek into our bedroom. I am not exaggerating when I say that I could see at least thirty bees in the area I could view from just having the door open a crack. Neil is on his way home now, and he has calls in to a bunch of bee removal places. So far, though, it seems like no one will be able to come out until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest. I have no idea what to do in the meantime. Stay at a hotel? My bedroom is full of freaking BEES!!!!
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