Not a new Mom, but now that Hayden is 18 months old, I actually have a second to think back and realize that I am a Mom. I am his Mom. His life is happening in front of me and I don't want to forget. One month blurs into the next and I can barely remember when he started saying this or when he figured out how to do that. This can be the baby book of the 21st century. This can be the journal I keep. This can be a way to make some linear sense out of this whirlwind time in our lives. This can be the start of something I have forever.
Or, it may be a blank webpage with nothing more than this introductory paragraph. It's hard to say.
Back to introducing name is Kelly. I am married to Neil. We have had a great time together for the last nine years, and now, we are parents of a brilliant little boy! The baby stuff has come and gone and now we have moved into the exciting world of how to handle nose picking, food throwing, and potty training! The fun has just begun!
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